Media Management for Urban Planning: Streamlining Creativity and Logistics

Guy Barner
April 15, 2024

Urban planning is a complex field that requires meticulous attention to detail and effective collaboration. From the early stages of conception to the final touches of project implementation, urban planning teams and municipalities manage a diverse array of media assets. These include photos of design elements, site documentation materials, photos from events, and documentation videos, all of which are essential for successful project execution and communication.

The Challenge

Urban planning entities often deal with vast amounts of images and videos from various stages of projects such as before-and-after photos, work-in-progress snapshots, and simulations. These visuals are supplemented by drawings, sketches, maps, and work plans. Managing these high-volume and diverse data can quickly become overwhelming, leading to disorganization and inefficiency, especially when working with insufficient tools.

Like many organizations, planning teams often work with a traditional storage solution, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or SharePoint. While great for some purposes, these often fall short when organizing photos and videos that need to be uploaded and then used by the entire team.

For example, images and videos are frequently uploaded by multiple team members, each with their own unique way for saving them, leading to inconsistencies. Furthermore, important files are often misplaced or lost, particularly those taken in the field on personal devices.

Traditional storage tools are also missing AI-based search and facial recognition capabilities that we all know and love from personal photo management tools such as Google and Apple Photos, making the organization process completely manual, leading to more work, and even more inconsistencies.

Finally, planning projects face a unique challenge in that they're usually long-term projects, making it more likely for team members to change along the way, with new employees often left clueless as to where things are stored.

The Solution media management for urban planning

Recognizing these challenges, urban planning teams have started turning to advanced digital asset management solutions like, enabling them to streamline their processes and improve overall collaboration:

  • AI-Powered Search Capabilities: Users can perform text searches for specific scenarios, like "children riding on a bike lane" or "shady avenues with a small kiosk," making it easier to find relevant references for specific project needs.
  • Advanced Tagging: while search is great for finding in-photo details, tagging are a flexible and extremely efficient solution for external metadata - the name of the project, the project manager in charge, geo-location and other characteristics that AI does not excel at.
  • Facial Recognition: This feature is crucial for identifying key individuals in photos, such as official figures or  community stakeholders, which is particularly useful for teams managing media from public events. Think about a minister or city official getting mistakenly named (or ignored) as part of the press release or occasional social media post. You just know there's going to be an uncomfortable email in someone's inbox, don't you?
  • De-Duplication: Tagbox's system automatically detects and removes duplicate files, ensuring a cleaner and more organized media library.

Real-World Impact

Consider the case of a municipal planning department that adopted Previously overwhelmed with disorganized digital assets, they experienced a significant turnaround:

  • Efficiency in Retrieval: Planners can now find specific images or video files in seconds, not hours.
  • Improved Collaboration: With better-organized assets, teams communicate more effectively, both internally and with stakeholders.
  • Enhanced Presentations: Access to high-quality, relevant media files has led to more impactful presentations.
  • Better planning: staying organized is not just about saving time. The easier it is to find photos and videos, the better references planning professionals have for their projects; the more time the save in back-and-forth emailing, the more they can stay focused on delivering plans that can improve the lives of the city's population.


For urban planning teams, managing media isn't just about keeping files organized; it's about enhancing the efficacy of their projects and ensuring that every stakeholder is engaged and informed throughout the process. By leveraging, planners can overcome traditional hurdles of asset management and focus on what they do best: shaping the future of our cities and communities.

Looking to revolutionize your urban planning team's media management? Visit us at or contact us at for a demonstration of our capabilities. Join us in transforming urban planning through superior digital asset management.