What’s new in Tagbox / advanced filters

New on Tagbox - filter by resolution, color, emotion, and more!

Guy Barner
April 23, 2023

Finding assets just got A LOT easier!

Here's what's new in Tagbox.io this month:

Advanced filters

You can find your asset by tag, sure - but too many people have been tagging assets by their orientation, quality, or color. So we thought we'd save you some work, and added the new, advanced filters:

1.  File properties
Finally, you can filter your assets by size, orientation, resolution, or video duration. these basic filters have been on the top of your request list for a while, and we're excited be able to launch them.

2. Enhanced people filters
Tagbox.io is the only creative asset management solution with face recognition, but we also know that sometimes you're not necessarily looking for a specific person, but rather for a certain vibe. That's why we've added the ability to filter by emotion, and by head pose. Looking for a Guy smiling up at the skies? We've got you covered.

3. Color filters
Sometimes, you're just looking for an image to match your beautiful design. The ability to filter your images by dominant color can definitely help with that. Also, we've added some cool options for filtering images with a solid background, a blurry background, warm/cold tones, and more.

Filter by color, emptions, and more

Upload folders

You can now upload entire folders into Tagbox.io. Click upload > Upload folders on the top-righthand corner of the app, and select the folders you'd like to upload.

Saving money with AI

Read this post by Tagbox.io CEO Guy Barner, on 3 ways marketers can save money using the latest in AI. No ChatGPT this time!

Have any ideas or thoughts to share? We'd love to hear from you at hello@tagbox.io.

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