What’s new in Tagbox / custom AI and updates to permissions

This month's update is all about advanced use cases

Guy Barner
May 23, 2024

We care deeply about helping teams of any size stay organized. After a few months of improving core features, this month, we're focusing on advanced use cases to streamline workflows for larger teams.

Let's get into the details:

Custom AI training

Unlock the power of AI with our Custom AI Training! You can train the AI to auto-tag specific objects and scenes, perfect for detecting products and brand logos. This game-changing feature, previously available as a highly expensive add-on, is now included for all new Enterprise customers. Interested? Contact us at hello@tagbox.io.

Enhanced Permissions

We’ve made significant improvements to permissions to improve security and user experience:

  • Admins Only for New Workspaces: Only Admins can create new workspaces, ensuring better oversight and organization [previously: Admins and Editors].
  • Comments by Admins and Editors: Only admins and editors can comment, keeping your workspace clutter-free and focused [previously: all permissions].
  • Granular Custom Permissions: Our custom permissions are now more detailed, giving you precise control over what each user can do. This feature is also part of our Enterprise package, offering you unmatched flexibility and security.

Tag Metadata in Downloaded Files

We’ve added tag metadata to downloaded files, embedded in EXIF/XMP attributes. This means you can easily add tagged files to Adobe products, SharePoint, and more, enhancing your cross-platform workflow.

Exclusive Interview with Our CEO

Curious about what's coming next? Don’t miss our insightful interview with Guy Barner, our CEO, where he shares our strategy and development roadmap. Learn more about the exciting future of Tagbox.io here.


Have ideas for how we can improve Tagbox? Feel free to influence our priorities by sending your feedback to hello@tagbox.io.

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