What’s new in Tagbox / organize your assets faster with upload bulk tagging
New on Tagbox - upload and tag in a click, to make organizing new assets even easier.

This month was all about organizing more content - faster.
Here are the latest from Tagbox.io:
Upload bulk-tagging
Tagbox's auto-tagging can save you hours of manually tagging what's IN the picture. But what about all of that meta-data that only you know about? The customer, project, or location of shooting the images?
Say hello to upload bulk-tagging - you can now drag & drop all the assets for a particular project, and tag them all at once for easy discovery.

More file formats
Our goal is to help you organize any type of creative assets. This month we've added support for useful image and video formats: TIFF, SVG, HEIC, and more, which should cover almost all files of these types.
From now, all of these files will have thumbnails, auto-tagging, text-in-image search, and all other advanced features that up until now came with regular images.
We'll keep working on adding more file formats next month (Adobe Illustrator, we know!).
Easier migration
We're not forgetting you still have a lot of content elsewhere, and getting it all tagged can take a while, even with all the bulk tagging in the world.
This is why we invested in creating advanced tools for easily transferring and auto-tagging all your assets, whether they're on Dropbox, Google Drive, or another DAM system.
Since this is still only a semi-automatic process, this is currently available as a service by our team, and it already helped organize tens of thousands of files in a matter of days!
Read more about the new service here.
Have more ideas and suggestions? Contact us at hello@tagbox.io. Looking to try tagbox.io for the first time? Start here.
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