What’s new in Tagbox / version history
New on Tagbox - update to the latest version and keep track on all changes.
This month on Tagbox was all about strengthening your core activities.
Here are our latest updates:
Version history
Collaborating around your creative assets means you always want to have the latest, most relevant version. But you don't want to re-upload, re-tag, re-everything.
Now you can upload a new version of your assets, without losing all its data.
You can also view the edit history, and restore a previous version as needed.
Item descriptions
While you could already comment on items, some things are better left as irreplaceable truths.
You can now add a description of where that image was taken, what's the best way to use that template, or add a transcription to your videos.
✨All descriptions are searchable in the main search bar.✨
Subscribe to analytics
All of our users enjoy embedded analytics to know who's contributing content, and what items are the most popular.
As part of our ever-growing Enterprise offerings, we added the option to get periodical email updates for custom analytics and data, so that you're always aware of what goes on in your organization.
Interested in learning more about this? Contact our team at hello@tagbox.io.
Have more ideas and suggestions? Contact us at hello@tagbox.io. Looking to try tagbox.io for the first time? Start here.
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